Declutter Your Room Easily and Instantly (7 Step Guide)

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Decluttering your room is a task filled with so much anxiety. So, it is not a thing that everyone loves to do. That’s why today we’ll discuss how to declutter your room easily with simple tips and strategies. Decluttering your room is the first step to declutter your home and thus you’ll have one less thing to worry about in your life. It is common nowadays to have a cluttered and congested living space which may not provide a peaceful and comfortable feel when you’re at your home.

To face the challenges in the outside world, you need an organized and secure home to restart your mind and prepare for the next hurdle in your life. Okay, I believe you understand the importance of a decluttered and organized home. Now, let’s get into the actual steps for decluttering your room easily, with seven steps and very little time.

Table of Contents
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What is Decluttering?

According to

To declutter is to tidy up a mess, especially by getting rid of objects. You might declutter your bedroom by donating your old clothes and recycling those magazines you never read.

Decluttering is simply removing the things that you have never used for a long time from your home. The benefits of decluttering that I might consider are that it makes your living space much cleaner and provides a spacious and airy feel.

7 Steps for Decluttering Your Room:

Declutter Your Room

1. Start with a Clear Goal

Start with a small goal like just decluttering your desk or a part of your wardrobe or something much smaller and easier to declutter. Because taking baby steps always sets discipline and patience in our minds, no matter what the task is.

If you think you want to clean up the whole bedroom at once, you’re likely to give up in between especially if you have a lot of mess accumulated. So, set the goal, and we’re ready for the next step.

2. Create Categories for Sorting.

When beginning the decluttering process, make sure you have a few methods for sorting the items that you pick up like a basket for donation, a trash bag for putting in trash, and boxes for packing those items at the topmost shelf. Choosing such sorting methods will make the anxious decluttering process a lot easier and I mean it.

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You can put the items that are in good condition but not useful for you in the basket, items that are in bad condition in the trash bag items that you might use later times, or items with emotional connections that mean a lot to you in a box and put it on the top shelf and take it out whenever needed.

3. Begin with Flat surfaces.

Okay, after you have set up the baskets and trash bags, you can start picking up stuff that doesn’t add value to you anymore and stuff that makes your home a disorganized and cluttered place.

Don’t know where to start…

You can consider picking up items from the entrance or main door of your home. This is relatively easy when decluttering than starting from any random places. Mostly start searching for flat surfaces like desks, and tables because that’s where cluttering begins in the majority of people’s lives.

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4. One Area at a Time

When starting to declutter your places, you’ll feel overwhelmed. You may start thinking about whether there is a need to donate this item or move it to the trash. And because of all these emotions, you may think to procrastinate doing this. So, for that, you can start with one area and not think about other areas for now. For instance, if you’re choosing a cupboard just make the top portion of tidier first and then focus on the rest of them.

The only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time.  – Creighton Abrams

5. 12-Month Rule of Decluttering

 There are many rules like 20 rule, 50% rule, 333 rule, and many more. The rule that I think will be effective is the 12-month rule because it is simple and easy to remember.

When decluttering your unnecessary items, think about whether you’ve used them in the last 12 months. If yes, you can consider having them as usual but maybe changing the place of it. Or if you’re quite serious about the decluttering process, then you can remove items that you’ve not used in the last 5 months. So, a greater number of items will be sent in boxes and trash bags.

6. Minimize Decorative Items.

Try not to buy decorative items more, because that is where emotional buying takes place. It costs a lot of small amounts of money. It easily becomes a habit as the cost of such products are fairly less and does not make quite a difference in the short term. Also, decorative items tends to look attractive and good to your room for a little bit and eventually you’ll get bored of the looks and try to get new look for your room.

7. Regular Decluttering Routine

You cannot declutter your entire room in one go as it is a tiring task to do. Try to do decluttering once every month to avoid clutter getting collected and becomes a huge disaster to get rid of. Set reminders in your calendar or there are plenty of apps you can use to remind you.


Decluttering your room may seem a daunting task but it can be a easy one if you have a proper strategy or steps to do these.  Firstly, start with a clear goal and make it obvious, then you can proceed with creating categories for sorting your items. When starting with decluttering process, always try to begin with flat surfaces because that’s where clutter gets collected a lot.

 Always just focus on getting things done in one area at a time. Remember to follow 12 month rule of decluttering, i.e., discard that item only if you’ve never used it in a period of 12 months. Reduce decorative items as more as possible and follow a routine and make decluttering once a month a habit to avoid cluttering.


How do I start decluttering my bedroom?

7 Easy Steps for Decluttering Your Room:

  • Start with a Clear Goal
  • Create Categories for Sorting.
  • Begin with Flat surfaces.
  • One Area at a Time
  • 12 Month Rule of Decluttering
  • Minimize Decorative Items.
  • Regular Decluttering Routine

Which room to declutter first?

Start with the room you spend the most time in or that has the most visible clutter. This might be a bedroom or living room, as these areas impact daily comfort and organization.

How to do a quick declutter?

Focus on clearing flat surfaces like tables and countertops. Use a "Keep, Donate, Trash" system and set a timer to work quickly without overthinking.

How do I start organizing my junk room?

Start with a small section, like a shelf or corner, and categorize items. Remove obvious trash, then sort items into bins for keeping, donating, or storing elsewhere.

How to hide clutter in the bedroom?

Use storage solutions like under-bed bins, decorative boxes, and closed shelving to conceal items. Minimize visible decor to create a cleaner look.

How to fix a cluttered bedroom?

Set a goal and declutter one area at a time. Start with your nightstand and dresser, then move to closets and floor space. Reduce decorative items to simplify the room.

What is the fastest way to organize and clean a bedroom?

Remove everything from surfaces, quickly sort into "Keep" or "Trash," and use storage baskets for essentials. Make the bed and organize any remaining visible items for an instant refresh.

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